OIL - Olympus International Limited
OIL stands for Olympus International Limited
Here you will find, what does OIL stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Olympus International Limited? Olympus International Limited can be abbreviated as OIL What does OIL stand for? OIL stands for Olympus International Limited. What does Olympus International Limited mean?Olympus International Limited is an expansion of OIL
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Alternative definitions of OIL
- Outside/ Inside Linebacker
- Ontology Inference Layer
- Triton Energy, LTD.
- Operation Iraqi Liberation
- Ontology Interchange Language
- Optimized Invocation Layer
- Office of Instructional Leader
- Oil India Limited
View 75 other definitions of OIL on the main acronym page
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- OTLA Oregon Trial Lawyers Association
- OCM Osceola Capital Management
- OAC Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury
- OHB Oakley Home Builders
- OPIEE Orange Panda International Early Education
- OTNL Overseas Trade Network LLC
- OSS Office Secretaries Singapore
- OSM One Stop Marketing
- OLI Oregon Linen Inc.
- OMC Odyssey Manufacturing Co.
- OANA Orange Advertising Network Americas
- OBC Overseas Business Company
- OSHR Own Sweet Home Realty
- OA Out of Asia
- OMDM On the Maps Digital Marketing